The Flop House

America’s longest-running (probably) bad movie podcast is coming to the UK for the first and only (so far) time! Elliott Kalan (former writer for “Mystery Science Theater 3000”), Dan McCoy (former writer for “The Daily Show”), and Stuart Wellington (owner, Hinterlands Bar) are friends who’ve decided to express that friendship not by doing productive or enjoyable things, but instead by watching critical or commercial flops, and then discussing them — with a combination of insightful cinematic analysis and digressive comedic nonsense that The New York Times calls “a great listen for movie fans.” Although, honestly, most of the time they just talk about random bullshit.

The Film for the 9:00pm show will be Spice World (1997). No this movie is not about the melange producing desert planet of Arrakas, its an ill-conceived vehicle for 90’s pop sensation the Spice Girls. Can the Flop Boys stand up to the sheer Girl Power of this film? Buy a ticket to find out.

Tickets can be purchased here.
